Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Avery Aames

1 - What's your latest?

Avery Aames: THE LONG QUICHE GOODBYE, from Berkley Prime Crime, debuts July 6, 2010.

2 - Assuming I haven't read it, why should I?

Avery Aames: Because it's a tasty mystery. It's got heart, spirit, humor. Charlotte Bessette, the protagonist, is a cheesemonger who cares about family andadores cheese. You'll visit a quaint town in Ohio and meet fun, quirky characters all while learning about the tasty world of gourmet cheese.

3 - What can you tell us about your main character that you hadn't realized until you answered the question?

Avery Aames: I hadn't realized that she's very much a part of my soul right now. I feel as if I know her and we'd be best friends. Her energy is mine. Her passion for life is mine, as well.

4 - What's your favorite scene and why?

Avery Aames: I have many favorite scenes...but one is with Charlotte and her grandmother, who is over-the-top with worry because she's suspected of murder, and Charlotte tries to coax her back to sanity with food, love, routine, and sass.

5 - What's next?

Avery Aames: The next book up in the series is LOST AND FONDUE, coming in 2011.

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