Monday, May 24, 2010

Craig Johnson

1 - What's your latest?

Craig Johnson: JUNKYARD DOGS, with Viking, May 28th.

2 - Assuming I haven't read it, why should I?

Craig Johnson: Sixth in the Walt Longmire series; I think it’s the most humorous book I’ve written yet. It deals with a lot of the more venal aspects of human nature in a small town in northern Wyoming.

3 - What can you tell us about your main character that you hadn't realized until you answered the question?

Craig Johnson: Sheriff Walt Longmire’s most devastating weapon is his sense of humor.

4 - What's your favorite scene and why?

Craig Johnson: Probably the scene where Walt tries to ascertain why a young couple has their grandfather tied to the back of a ’68 Olds Tornado with a hundred feet of nylon rope....

5 - What's next?

Craig Johnson: HELL IS EMPTY is an analogy for Dante’s Inferno. It takes place mostly in the Cloud Peak Wilderness Area, where a group of convicts has escaped from a private transport company and Walt is the only one there to go after them.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Thaank you for this